The Guilford Lakes community will soon enjoy a new playscape for grades 1-4 and a new preschool playground for students of all abilities in pre-k and kindergarten. Thanks to successful fundraising efforts by the Guilford Lakes School Playground Project, funding from the school district, and support from Guilford voters, the new playgrounds are set to be installed in Fall 2022, along with new basketball hoops, a kickball diamond, gaga pit and a tricycle path for the preschool playground.


Overcoming setbacks due to the pandemic, the Lakes community exceeded its goal of $105,000 to fund the main playscape equipment and installation. In April, Guilford voters supported a $325,000 bond to pay for the preschool playground. This playground, which includes poured in place safety surfacing, will be accessible to young children of all abilities in Guilford including those who attend the district’s special education preschool at Lakes. 








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